Thursday, April 23, 2009

Home-Made Croutons

Home-made croutons are way cheaper and way tastier than the store-bought varieties. Whenever I have stale bread or the heels of bread, I toss them in a baggie and put it in the freezer to make croutons. It's really simple.
2 tbsp olive oil
4 pieces old bread
salt and pepper
2 tbsp minced garlic
dried oregano

1. Chop the bread into small bite-sized cubes.

2. In a large sautee pan, heat the olive oil and cook the garlic until slightly browned over medium heat.

3. Turn the heat down to medium-low and add the bread chunks. Toss until coated in the olive oil and garlic. You may need to add a bit more olive oil if the bread soaks it all up. It's important that all the bread get coated for flavor.

4. Sprinkle the bread with salt, pepper and oregano.

5. Keep flipping the bread until toasted on all sides, about 7-8 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool before using.

*Note: croutons will last in the fridge for several weeks!

Bon Appetit!
The Food Whore

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